All board sports start off on flat ground and inevitably discover obstacles and environments. We decided to push this with the development of the Jaxx and give a chance for the riders to explore “new horizons”. The element of a big shape in the middle of a lake can be used as a starting point or reference for other tricks. During the event briefing and the practice rounds, we spec’d that the interactions with the Jaxx would be the thing that gets rewarded. “Pull a perfect triple 20 feet away from the Jaxx, get zero points. Involve and interact with the Jaxx”. At first the Jaxx was difficlt for some riders to warm up to, it is outside of the comfort zone. Cooper Riggs inspired everyone by leading the attack on the Jaxx and breaking the ice. Once he opened Pandora’s box, everyone started to flow. We are impressed by the way the Jaxx was explored and exploited. The winner was Todd Sawisch, a “veteran” rider, he showed that creativity and aggression are the key to impressing the other rider/judges. For pure style, Scotty Knemeyer pulled a handplant for one of the more iconic board sports photos. A first for hydrosports, we are sure we will see much more to come.
The Session One Jaxx are built from some of the same construction techniques as RIB boats that are designed to take abuse. We weren’t sure how much abuse they could take, so we asked the riders to start off slowly. By the end they were coming up with every way imaginable to do tricks over, wrap the hose around and flip the Jaxx in the course of the judged rounds. The Jaxx held up to the whipping hoses.
With all the unknowns, safety is key however, and this is stressed to the riders. Dean Lavelle has prepared for a few different scenarios and had chase skis on standby equipped with bottles of SpareAir that can be used if the rider gets caught upside down. Also key key to any safety setup are lace cutters to quickly remove a rider from his boots. We are aware that we are trying something that is outside of the norm and the full potential and therefore risks are not yet fully clear. If you decide to build upon the Jaxx concept, as we intend to, please do so with caution.

Casey, engaged.

Jaxx two leg stand.

Todd, going to a 360 wrap and toss.

Scotty K displacing at the midline, determined to find the blue room.

Hunter, up close and personal.

Scotty, Jaxx knit.

previously on Lost…

The sign says stop. Brandon says “whoa”.

Ryouichi breaking down barriers.

Brandon full misting the Jaxx.

Brandon rolling the Jaxx.

Cooper’s flight plan, Jaxx.

Hunter, Jaxx roller slalom.