Hydro Good Machine© Yamaha VXR
This review of a Hydro Good Machine© comes from Dean O’Malley at Jetpack America. Jetpack America has been running Yamaha VXS (brother to the VXR) models for hydro flight jetpacks and Jetblades and getting great performance. Riders of 200 pounds (90 kilos) are flying heights up to 35 feet (10.5 meters) over the surface. The system they are running uses a dual impeller from Skat Trak. This model is non supercharged model meaning the engine is running with less stress and the complexity of the system is reduced. Dean says it is a great workhorse of a machine and they can recommend it for day in and day out usage.
We got an update from Captain Robert in Bahrain “We are also running Yamaha VXS units for our every day operations and they have been flawless, we are getting 90kg at about 9 meters, mainly due to the reduced power at 44 deg (C) air temp and 30 deg (C) water. For our demo and instructors machines we use kawasaki ultra 300s with Skat trak impeller and a kawasaki 310 with the same.”